Sunday, August 3, 2008

bisa masuk juga ni posting

Ni blog kok gila gini sih... gw uplod dari laptop gw gak bisa... addres not found. Klo pake komputer yang sebelah kok bisa yah...? aneh... jgn2 ip gw diblok... wekz... blog sekejam itu kah..?

huhuhu.... padahal dari kemaren ada yang mau di posting disini... berhubung skarang udah telat... jadi lupa dagh apa yang mau di posting. Btw, gw ngetik kok serem bener sih...? udah lama gak ngetik padahal... ghehehe....

K... what happen now..? gak ngerti juga... yeah... seperti biasa... ditusuk dari belakang... (bukan ngeres lho).. huhu betapa menyebalkan nasibku.. Bosen denger cerita ini...? zzzz gw aja yang ngalamin bosen... Kenapa gw selalu kalah ya...? dan kali ini gw kalah sebelum perang dimulai... kena sniping gwa... wtf.

ok... this is a song for me...

Blink 182 - Dysentery Gary
Got a lotta heart ache
He's a fuckin' wease
His issues make my mind ache
Wanna make a deal
'Cause I love your little motions
You do with your pigtails
What a nice creation
Worth another night in jail
He's a player, diarrhea giver
Tried to grow his hair out,
friends were listening to Slayer
I'd like to find him Friday night
Hanging out with mom,
trying on his father's tights
Life just sucks, I lost the one
I'm giving up, she found someone
There's plenty more
Girls are such a drag
So all you little ladies
Be sure to choose the right guys
You'll come back to me maybe
I'll shower you with lies
Got a lotta heart ache
He's a fuckin' weasel
Decisions make my mind ache
Wanna make a deal
Ease away the problems and the pain
The girl chose the guy that
makes you wanna kick and scream
All along, you wish that she would stay
fuck the guy that took and ran away, yeah
He's a player, diarrhea giver
Tried to grow his hair out,
friends were listening to Slayer
I'd like to find him Friday night
Hanging out with mom and trying on his father's tights
Life just sucks, I lost the one
I'm giving up, she found someone
There's plenty more
Girls are such a drag
fuck this place, I lost the war
I hate you all, your mom's a whore
Where's my dog?
Cause girls are such a drag

puas..? puas...?!!! sobek2 mulutmu...

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Over My Head (Better Off Dead)

Jika kamu sedang benar2 terpuruk, benar2 jatuh, semua teman2mu meninggalkanmu, bahkan diantara mereka ada yang mengkhianatimu.... ada juga yang menusukmu dari belakang,.... dan yang paling parah... satu2nya orang yang bisa kamu harapkan juga ikut meninggalkanmu....

apa yang akan kmu lakukan...?

Pernah gak sih ngerasa, klo sesuatu yang sedang kmu hadapi itu adalah sesuatu yang paling buruk dibandingkan yang dihadapi orang laen. Padahal terkadang orang lain menghadapi sesuatu yang lebih berat. Cuman kita ngerasa yang kita hadapi itu paling berat.

Ngak tau normal atau enggak, tp hampir tiap hari gw ngalamin kyk gitu...

Sumpah gw males *****.... tp lebih pathetic lagi, gw takut banget ****. Msh bnyk dosa...


jgn prnah makan ketan item buatan kemaren, mskipun blm basi dan udah dipanasin lagi !!! selain bisa menyebabkan keracunan makanan, bisa menyebabkan kmu kehilangan orang yang paling berharga dlm hidup kmu.... trust me !

mbuh ah
mumetttttttttttttttttttttt cokkkkkkkkkkkk !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, July 28, 2008

Grateful For

Recently ei posted on her fabulous blog about all the things she's grateful for. I love this simple, yet profound, concept: by focusing on what we're appreciative of and grateful for, we redirect our energy and concentration from the icky and negative circumstances in our lives, to the happy and positive. It's so unbelievably easy to focus solely on all our troubles. We ruminate on our hard knocks: "I'll never get out of this problem!" "Why do all of these terrible things happen to me?" And while I find it's good, productive even, to consider our problems in an effort to work through and determine solutions, we must do so in moderation (we shouldn't obsess, or stress) and with a positive outlook.

If only I could figure out how to live by these guidelines!

But, as a start, I'm going follow ei's lead and create my own list of things I'm thankful for. It's time to center on all the great things in my life in an effort to realize the good in the midst of hardship, feel more contented and less frustrated, and create even more circumstances to feel grateful for.

* My (huge!) family
* My sis -- she's my mentor, my best friend, and an immense source of strength, support and I admire her beyond words
* My dad -- though he's no longer here he is still inspiring, guiding, loving and protecting me
* Though no relationship is perfect, the way Scott is willing to work through things with me in an effort to reach solutions that are "perfect" for each of us
* Writing. Without the ability to write thoughts, feelings, frustrations, joys, life would be more difficult to endure and less fun to recount (not to mention, I'd be slower to learn from all my experiences and, most likely, be much less self-aware)
* Wonderful friends. Though I don't get to see them as often as I'd like, I am constantly thinking of them, wishing them well and knowing I wouldn't be half the person I am today without their impact on my life
* My health and 100 percent full recovery after my scary, near death health scare that occurred one year ago this month
* Blogging and all the incredible, supportive and kind blog friends I've made since I began keeping this web journal 4 years ago
* The ability, and desire, to express myself creatively, particularly through writing and music
* Running
* Great music (I especially love acoustic, soulful tunes with creative and meaningful lyrics)
* Sunshine!
* Both the brilliant and muted hues of fall
* Good, kind people and random acts of kindness
* Pictures
* My faith in something bigger than myself
* Love ... I once heard it makes the world go round ;-)


Monday, July 21, 2008

Nikahan Teh 'na....

Sebenernya ngga boleh di postingin tapi gapapa dech,,, apa bingung mau posting apa .....